Archive for October, 2014

Sunrise Surprise

Posted: October 30, 2014 in Environment, Photography

water contest
Really not a surprise, cold dry air and moist ground = fog.  Actually, it is more complicated — but you had to be up at six to capture it.

Dry Times

Posted: October 23, 2014 in Environment, Essentials, Photography

Yuma river bed_
While traveling through Arizona Paul noted that the Colorado River is fickle – at least when it comes to flowing through Yuma and then (not flowing) into Mexico. And I saw the USDA drought map. Good combo for ‘third effect” but not so good for our planet and anything on it that needs moisture.

Tuesday Test

Posted: October 21, 2014 in Photography
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Dog and yellow hoodie

Only one question.  Do you take your camera with you, even when you are going out to pick up the newspaper?  Answer is yes, assuming you want to be able to get a picture of your neighbor walking her dog (don’t try this with an iPhone and yes, I do still read an analog newspaper).

donut donuts2
Paul is still cruising LA and he spent the night in the shadow of Randy’s Donuts… actually he awoke in the donut hole.