Collegiate Traveler

Posted: April 11, 2015 in Cameras, Delmar Loop, Photo equipment, Photography, University City


Bridget, a charming and talented photographer, had a photo exhibit at “Create Space” here in University City and we started comparing notes on what makes a “keeper.”  Bridget’s example was a dance she photographed in Turkey — low light, movement, and muddled colors. She was ready to give it up, but she admits to a weakness — seeing if a bad situation can be salvaged by a black and white conversion. She uses iPhoto (now Photos) to up the contrast and increase the definition. Her experience reminded me of a technique I read about–visualizing by setting your LCD to “monochrome” in playback. This can be easily done (in Nikon land) by going to the “set picture control” menu.  Warning, you will have only a black and white picture if you shoot JPEG.  However, if you shoot RAW, all the camera sensor capture info is still there — in full color or in glorious black and white.

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